UPBGE / upbge

UPBGE, the best integrated game engine in Blender
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Export as runtime dependencies issue. UPBGE0.3.6 stable #1830

Closed ICHIL closed 11 months ago

ICHIL commented 11 months ago

Hello team !

It seems that the "export as runtime" add-on has issues with Logic Nodes.

What happens is, when the game is exported, it works as intended, but it always load the Logic Nodes from the bge_netlogic folder in C\Users[user]\AppData\Roaming\UPBGE\Blender\3.6\scripts\addons.

It's not suitable for exportation on other computers since it doesn't pack the bge_netlogic folder along with. So Logic Nodes trees rely on the C: drive to work. Assuming the bge_netlogic folder exists at all on this path. Elsewise it doesn't load anything at all and creates bugs.

It's reproducible by making a node tree with Logic Nodes, then exporting the game using the runtime exporter add-on.

Thank you very much, I hope you'll find a solution to that problem. Have a nice day !

ICHIL commented 11 months ago

After checking a bit, it seems that it comes from some files of mine not in the correct directory, so it's not exported relatively to the game folder...

My bad for the disturbance !