UPBGE / upbge

UPBGE, the best integrated game engine in Blender
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Clarify license issue #1899

Open ShalokShalom opened 3 weeks ago

ShalokShalom commented 3 weeks ago

As far as I understand, does the UPBGE ship the GPL licensed Blender engine - that means, I am supposed to relicense my game under the GPL 2 as well.

And I also figured, that the blend files - so my game assets, logic nodes/bricks and so on, are allowed to be under any license, but the Python scripts need to be GPL as well.

Is that all correct that way? I recommend documenting that, so that people are informed about the status quo.

lordloki commented 3 weeks ago

It is indicated in the UPBGE manual https://upbge.org/docs/latest/manual/manual/deployment/licensing.html

ShalokShalom commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks a lot. I did not find this issue, and think there could be a mention around here:


It is currently listed in the "Contribute" section. As a game engine user, I am not necessarily interested into contributing.

I am interested, how the license effects me as an user.