UPGo-McGill / matchr

Fast and Reliable Matching of Images
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Bug in compare_images results #26

Open dwachsmuth opened 3 years ago

dwachsmuth commented 3 years ago

There seems to be a problem with how match/non-match results are allocated back to original rows, possibly when one of the categories (e.g. "possible match") is missing.

The following produces a "match" where there should be a "non-match" at 3/175/875 (row 27 in the input matches):

paths_low <- list.files("/Volumes/Data 2/Scrape photos/vancouver/kj", 
                        full.names = TRUE)
paths_high <- list.files("/Volumes/Data 2/Scrape photos/vancouver/ab", 
                         full.names = TRUE)

sigs_low <- create_signature(paths_low[1:20000])
sigs_high <- create_signature(paths_high[1:10000])
matches <- match_signatures(sigs_low, sigs_high)
matches <- identify_matches(matches)
confirmed <- compare_images(matches)
final_matches <- integrate_changes(matches, confirmed)