UPPMAX / R-python-julia-matlab-HPC

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Double-check new Python schedule #66

Closed bclaremar closed 1 month ago

bclaremar commented 1 month ago

The day is over-scheduled as it looks

Either too much content or unnecessarily long sessions

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

I'd be happy to remove the isolated environments part :innocent:

rlpitts commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I don't think that's necessarily connected to HPC usage.

bclaremar commented 1 month ago

Discuss this on meeting!

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

It has been discussed, Björn will put it online :+1:

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Incorrect, from the meeting notes of 2024-10-18, it states it was me that does so:

- Issue [#66](https://github.com/UPPMAX/R-python-julia-matlab-HPC/issues/66) Python Schedule
    - Add 10 mins for parallel
    - RB: volunteers to remove all or some of isolated environments sections:
        - (-15 minutes) Only remove exercise 3: export and import a virtual environment
        - (-15 minutes) Only remove exercise 2 'work with Example-gpu
            - This is needed by the session on GPUs
            - BB can change the exercise without this exericse
        - (-30 minutes) Remove exercises 2 and 3
            - DECIDED: R moves these to Extra
        - (-60 minutes) Remove whole section
    - Isolated environment, on conda:
        - UPPMAX: only recommended on Bianca
        - LUNARC: talk to jonas
    - [ ] RB will update schedule and ping BB
richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Updated and pingedn @bbrydsoe on Slack:

[@Birgitte Brydsö](https://snic-hpc.slack.com/team/U01MCFJA873)
 as promised: I fixed [the Python schedule](https://uppmax.github.io/R-python-julia-matlab-HPC/python/intro.html#schedule) and now a ping to you to check it. I simply changed two sessions' times (isolated Python minus 35 mins, parallel programming plus 10 mins) and arranged the breaks around this. Do whatever you like with it :+1: