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Follow rule for what to put in `cluster_guides` and what in `software` folder #62

Open richelbilderbeek opened 1 month ago

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Currently, it is unclear which files should be where.

For example, this is the current cluster_guides folder:

richel@richel-N141CU:~/GitHubs/UPPMAX-documentation/docs/cluster_guides$ ls
bianca_file_transfer_using_gui.md        running_jobs
bianca.md                                screen.md
bianca_modules.md                        singularity.md
bianca_overview.md                       slurm.md
biancas_design.md                        slurm_on_bianca.md
biancas_name.md                          slurm_on_rackham.md
compilers.md                             slurm_on_snowy.md
compiling_parallel.md                    slurm_troubleshooting.md
compiling_serial.md                      snowy.md
conda.md                                 snowys_design.md
dardel.md                                snowys_name.md
dardel_migration.md                      start_interactive_node.md
darsync.md                               start_interactive_node_on_bianca.md
debuggers.md                             start_interactive_node_on_rackham.md
empty.md                                 start_interactive_node_on_snowy.md
ides_on_bianca.md                        thinlinc.md
ides_on_rackham.md                       transfer_bianca.md
img                                      transfer_dardel.md
install.md                               transfer_rackham.md
login_node_restrictions.md               transfer_transit.md
modules.md                               transit_file_transfer_using_gui.md
old                                      transit_file_transfer_using_scp.md
optimizing_jobs.md                       transit_file_transfer_using_sftp.md
profilers.md                             transit.md
project_management.md                    uppmax_as_an_organization.md
rackham_file_transfer_using_gui.md       uppmax_cloud.md
rackham_file_transfer_using_scp.md       uppmax_cluster.md
rackham_file_transfer_using_sftp.md      uppmax_filesystem.md
rackham_file_transfer_using_transit.md   uppmax_history.md
rackham.md                               uppmax.md
rackham_modules.md                       uppmax_systems.md
rackham_remote_desktop_extract_file.png  venv_on_rackham.md
rackhams_design.md                       vscode_on_bianca.md
rackhams_name.md                         vscode_on_rackham.md
rstudio_on_bianca.md                     vscodium_on_bianca.md
rstudio_on_rackham.md                    vscodium_on_rackham.md

I expect to see:

However, these are just software:

I feel these should be put on software.

That is the point of this Issue: what to put in cluster_guides and what in software?

My suggested rule:

Description Where
Information about clusters cluster_guides
Information about general cluster processes cluster_guides
Cluster-specific information for software cluster_guides
Software in general software
richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Björns rule:

bclaremar commented 1 month ago

Installing and dev section goes to Software, including all sub pages

bclaremar commented 1 month ago

slurm is kept in cluster

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Next week: people suggest their favorite rules and we'll vote on these :+1:

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Rule 1a

My suggested rule, now with some examples added.

Description Where Typical name
Information about clusters cluster_guides bianca.md, rackham.md, snowy.md
Information about general cluster processes cluster_guides [general_process_name].md
Cluster-specific information for software cluster_guides [x]_on_bianca.md
Software in general software [name of program].md

Example on file transfer:

Example on job scheduler:

Example on general software use:

Rule 1b

Same as rule 1a, except for cluster_guides/slurm.md

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Rule 1c

Similar to 1a, except:

Description Where Typical name
Cluster-specific information for software software [x]_on_bianca.md
richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Rule 1d

Combines rule 1b and 1c

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago
richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

1d it is!

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

Richel will follow this rule and update the links!

bclaremar commented 1 week ago

All done and close??

richelbilderbeek commented 1 week ago

Still in progress, will continue after my holiday