UPPMAX / programming_formalisms

Repository for the Programming Formalisms course
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Revise course goals #26

Closed richelbilderbeek closed 3 months ago

richelbilderbeek commented 3 months ago

Hi @bclaremar and @LarsEklund,

I have slightly revised the PF course goal text and filled in what I think best describes your sections, using the matching verbs from Blooms taxonomy.

I have separated the general terms (e.g. 'share code') from the choices we made (e.g. 'understand and use a formal GitHub workflow').

LarsEklund commented 3 months ago

good job



Från: Richel Bilderbeek @.***> Skickat: den 19 mars 2024 07:54:47 Till: UPPMAX/programming_formalisms Kopia: Lars Eklund; Mention Ämne: [UPPMAX/programming_formalisms] Revise course goals (PR #26)

Hi @bclaremarhttps://github.com/bclaremar and @LarsEklundhttps://github.com/LarsEklund,

I have slightly revised the PF course goal text and filled in what I think best describes your sections, using the matching verbs from Blooms taxonomy.

I have separated the general terms (e.g. 'share code') from the choices we made (e.g. 'understand and use a formal GitHub workflow').

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richelbilderbeek commented 3 months ago

I've removed the [Lars] comments, only one reviewer to go :-)