UPPMAX / programming_formalisms

Repository for the Programming Formalisms course
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Vote: `git checkout` or `git switch` #40

Open richelbilderbeek opened 2 months ago

richelbilderbeek commented 2 months ago

Currently, we teach both git checkout or git switch

I think we should minimize the number of git commands.

To do so, we should decide upon using git checkout or git switch.

Without any research, yet the unconfirmed info that git switch is more specific to branching, combined with that we only use these git commands for branching, I'd prefer git switch slightly.

Let's vote on this :+1:

richelbilderbeek commented 2 months ago

Changed my opinion: I think we should use git checkout, due to a learner not being able to use git switch as he had an older version of git.

My vote: git checkout, as everyone can actually use it