UPPMAX / programming_formalisms

Repository for the Programming Formalisms course
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Suggest new course order/schedule #45

Open richelbilderbeek opened 1 month ago

richelbilderbeek commented 1 month ago

We had ideas for a new order of discussing course topics, most notably by getting the workflow in place in day 1, so that we can focus on the meat of the course from then.

~What about those interested suggest a new order? And if not interested, one can unassign oneself :-)~ We are all interested to suggest a new course order/schedule :-)

richelbilderbeek commented 2 weeks ago

I am interested in doing this: yes

Assign the others so they can share if they are interested yes/no

LarsEklund commented 2 weeks ago

yes, we could do class discovery through list and then show how to refine a class list through the use of diagrams to find missning classes and design elements. and what generates a combination of classes and so on.

bclaremar commented 2 weeks ago
