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feat(4as): create base component for risk assessment feature
10 months ago
1 year ago
Cannot click button Calculate Risk if either Rain Forecast or Population is not selected
Hide Button to hide modal
Display affected population in the map kapag niclick ang Calculate Risk
Show/Hide modal
Hide Risk Modal if Risk Assessment is uncheck, and same state nakaopen modal kapag nicheck ulit si Risk Assessment checkbox
new from feat/4as-search-sort
add search for affected population
add sort in risk assessment
data summary modal ui
merge to main and fix conflicts
[x] Title Freeze Header
[x] hide and show affected data
[x] Opacity for Rain Forecast
[x] Opacity for population display in map
[x] Population Affected display (color pink)
[x] Rain Forecast data - mapbox same in hazard
[x] List of Barangay affected population in summary modal
[x] Mobile View for modal
[x] Mobile View for Table, Title, Data Summary
[x] Mobile View for Minimize button in screen
[x] Hover button of Minimize
[x] Use new api from backend to test data
[x] Add “%” in column for Percentage Affected
[x] Add “.” decimal and “,” comma in column for Total Population, Total Affected Population, Affected to Med-Hign column in modal display
[x] Update Legend image for Rain Forecast change color and put 24hours text same in contour
[x] Display Rain Forecast from mapbox
[x] Add disclaimer riverbasin
[x] Add beta logo
Update from
Title Freeze Header
hide and show affected data
Population Affected display (color pink)
Use new api from backend to test data
Add “%” in column for Percentage Affected
Add “.” decimal and “,” comma in column for Total Population, Total Affected Population, Affected to Med-Hign column in modal display
display affected data population with match the Bgy_Code to the affected_psgc
edited a legend for rain forecast
added a "Low" for legend Exposure Population
Added a value VAR 1 for map display Affected Population
added a pagination for the table
added number of data in pagination
displaying barangay data from ngrok
20 brgy per page
added a search not only for barangay but also the muni, prov and etc...
added a notification just in case no data or API problem
changing legend font style for Population Exposure
fixed bug for pagination
changing url for rain forecast
added a disable cursor for next and previous button
Font sizes calculate risk and "No data Available" bigger
fix pagination for modal 4as summary
added a disclaimer
inserted beta to the risk assessment sidebar
remove Data summary button and replace it to the map component
replace 4as data summary button to the map component
remain checked when sidebar is toggle
created a function to stay checked the checkbox population
added a boolean shown to population checkbox
fix bug about the checkbox population
fix bug button for calculate risk when toggle sidebar
added a opacity to the rain forecast and to the population affected
from feat/4as-base
new from feat/4as-search-sort
Update from feat/4as-to-dos