UPRM-Moonbuggy-Telemetry / BuggyTelemetryWebApp

Web app for visualizing and storing data from 2018-19 UPRM Moonbuggy Engineering team
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Danger warning widget #48

Open jaortiz117 opened 5 years ago

jaortiz117 commented 5 years ago

This widget can just display a blinker or something similar. It shall be active whenever the rover is in any sort of trouble. Widget should display type of danger that it is experiencing. Can be either: rover stalled for too long, a sensor has been offline, mechanical safety thresholds exceeded, lost connection.

Optional: if an issue disappears it can turn green or remove itself from the issue list

jaortiz117 commented 4 years ago

To measure if safety thresholds exceeded we can use the average of the past data (without the outliers (the "trigger" data)) to find a "trigger" data point. A point that exceeds the average an X amount of times. value of X coefficient TBD

jaortiz117 commented 4 years ago

I suggest different alert messages depending on type of alert