For reference, the response format directly returns a list of dicts now. Example dict:
{"url":"","module":{"url":"","name":"Prelude"},"package":{"url":"","name":"base"},"item":"<span class=name><s0>const</s0></span> :: a -> b -> a","type":"","docs":"<tt>const x</tt> is a unary function which evaluates to <tt>x</tt> for\nall inputs.\n\n<pre>\n>>> const 42 \"hello\"\n42\n</pre>\n\n<pre>\n>>> map (const 42) [0..3]\n[42,42,42,42]\n</pre>\n"}
The responses now also contain HTML markup. It's trivial to strip from the type sig but less so from the docs segment without the formatting for the docs section being a little awkward.
Fixes #433
For reference, the response format directly returns a list of dicts now. Example dict:
The responses now also contain HTML markup. It's trivial to strip from the type sig but less so from the docs segment without the formatting for the docs section being a little awkward.