UQdeco2800 / 2021-studio-4

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Team 1 - LevelsScreenDisplay redesigned, MainMenuDisplay, buttons and in-game title fixed #126

Open Jesseable opened 2 years ago

Jesseable commented 2 years ago


Team 1 will be redesigning the the level screen to fix the hitbox components. We also will be redesigning the image hitbox components for the buttons on the MainMenu screen so that they don't change sizes between hovered and unhovered. Also fix other UI bugs such as the BOX FOREST title in-game, and mismatched buttons color (old BOX FOREST green).


  1. The hitbox components of the images were overlapping. In an attempt to fix this we tried redesigning the images with no additional extra space around the image. Unfortunately, this did not work. Instead, the idea to space them further apart and have the image of the characters head in the centre was created.
  2. The buttons now appear blue by default from the .json file, and title has now been fixed. This means buttons from main game screen and the settings screen are no longer clashing with the rest of the game design-wise.

Milestones (all at 1600 AEST)


Kevin-Au-Duong commented 2 years ago

Added new stuff done to the ticket that's related to the work that was on this ticket before.