Spawns the void at the far left of the screen and moves at a constant speed to the right, when it touches the player it removes all their health. It's not animated and it doesn't fit the screen entirely, also the player can walk through the void but this shouldn't matter once the death mechanic is added.
added createTheVoid() method in NPCFactory
added spawnTheVoid() method in ForestGameArea
added TheVoidTasks class
added TheVoidController class
added some image and atlas files for enemies and the void
Spawns the void at the far left of the screen and moves at a constant speed to the right, when it touches the player it removes all their health. It's not animated and it doesn't fit the screen entirely, also the player can walk through the void but this shouldn't matter once the death mechanic is added.
added createTheVoid() method in NPCFactory added spawnTheVoid() method in ForestGameArea added TheVoidTasks class added TheVoidController class added some image and atlas files for enemies and the void