UQdeco2800 / 2021-studio-7

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Player's & NPC's animations improvement, sprites refinement, testing and bug fixing (Team 1) #129

Open ChanghaoXi opened 2 years ago

ChanghaoXi commented 2 years ago


Task: Improving quality and smoothness of animations for playable characters & NPCs, finishing character sprites from the previous sprint, implementing animation for in-game NPC cat, conducting user testing for character design and iterating it based on feedback gathered for one last time, finalising documentation for all related wiki pages, UML diagramming. Additionally, Team 1 will contribute to Junit testing coverage and debugging for the studio.

Feature: Animation improvements, iteration of sprites design and finalisation of documentation on wiki.

In the last sprint, Team 1 will focus on finishing the tasks left from last sprint, improving the quality of work that has been done individually as a team from previous sprints, and collaboratively improving the quality of game with other teams as a whole. More specifically, Team 1 will allocate time to finish the following tasks:

Please check the wiki pages listed under the documentation section for more information. Thank you!






Benjamin Israel (@benisrael29) (Benjamin Israel) Changhao Xi (@ChanghaoXi) (Raymond) Tina Goyal (@tinagoyal203) (Tina Goyal) Wenqi Lyu (@wenqi6) (Wenqi Lyu) Yiling Shi (@shiyiling1) (Jessie)

ChanghaoXi commented 2 years ago

@uqnjain @naziah28, Hi! The feature ticket of Team 1 for sprint 4 has been completed and reviewed, please have a look, thanks :)