UQdeco2800 / 2022-ext-studio-1

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Sprint 3 - Team 6 Task Ticket 1 : Clues about showing NPCs #174

Open YuOuyang99 opened 2 years ago

YuOuyang99 commented 2 years ago


task: Figure out which clues need to be shown to the player in the clue storage in the game.

Based on the known storylines and story chapters, you need to communicate with Team 2 and Team 7 to figure out which clues need to be shown to the player and which clues don't need to be shown to the player. The clues that the player sees from the expulsion menu are that what clues the player gets from the NPC will be displayed in the NPC related to the clue, otherwise, the clues that the player does not get will not be displayed in the expulsion menu.



-Team 9: NPC Communication Play Script (#9 ) -Team 5: Storyline (#80 )




-Shook Jern Chung (@ShookJern) (Shook Jern Chung) -Yu Ouyang (@YuOuyang99) (Yu Ouyang) -Wenji Wangkang (@WenjiWangkang) (Wenji Wangkang) -Lingzhe Zheng (@zlz8848) (Lingzhe Zheng)

Kai9613 commented 2 years ago

The dialogue content in chapters 4 to 6 has been completed https://github.com/UQdeco2800/2022-ext-studio-1/wiki/NPC-communications-Chapter-456

LIU-Evelyn commented 2 years ago

In order to show the clue that player collected from gameplay, the unlock clue should be displayed in informarion window ( in eviction menu)

PhillipMike commented 2 years ago

My bankcard is locked need help