UQdeco2800 / 2022-studio-1

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Main Character - Design and Basic Behaviour #13

Open 4vir4l opened 1 year ago

4vir4l commented 1 year ago


Team 2 will be implementing the design and basic behavioral characteristics of the main character and the citizens. The main character's goal is to protect the crystal and fend off enemies. It will have the different abilities to attack the enemies based on the character chosen or the upgrades. On the design side of this feature, we would be involved in creating the design of the player (main character) and the combat design (main character with a weapon). We would be programming to incorporate the above designs into the game and implement the features of movement and ability to combat (eg. melee).


Main character design

Visual appearance of the main character who is going to be a ‘Chief’ like character for Atlantis throughout the game.


This would be the 4 - directional movement that the user would be able to control. This subfeature would be essential for future sprints for areas like Interaction with NPCs, Attack/ Defense.


This feature allows the main character to attack enemies during night time with a weapon selected as well as damage statistics, this feature would also have a weapon (eg. sword) in their hand with multiple frame animations for an attack (eg. melee). The main character will default to attacking enemies in range unless directed otherwise.


Extras: Resource mining by main character may be implemented after resources are mapped and made available #11


List of sub-features you intend to have done and in Master by the end of the sprint.

Completion Deadline: Aug. 30


Main Character selection

Different main characters will have different special abilities i.e., high HP, long range attack or short range attack, faster movement, etc.

Add functionality for the main character to mine resources (gold, wood, etc).



luke4641942 commented 1 year ago

Just a quick revision about what we (team 5) discussed with you guys in the studio on Wednesday. We spoke about how the main character can potentially mine the blocks and gain resources from them early game. Some simple mechanic that if you press space bar over the block, the block becomes grass (buildings can then be built on it) and then the resources appear in a counter next to gold at the top of the screen (for example). Intend to check in next week about how we're all going and if plans are still feasible (as this will probably be labelled as an extra in your ticket).

luke4641942 commented 1 year ago

Just a quick revision about what we (team 5) discussed with you guys in the studio on Wednesday. We spoke about how our team would be implementing the main character mining the stones and trees on the map to gain resources in the early game. We also spoke about how our team was going to add the multidirectional sprites as per the moment direction that you had already finished just didn't get around to implementing.