UQdeco2800 / 2022-studio-1

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UGS Complete Integration #319

Open luke4641942 opened 1 year ago

luke4641942 commented 1 year ago


For this feature, we will be completing the integration of the UGS and the Range Service. This will including fixing aspects such as player movement on the map, changing entity locations in UGS for example. Under this feature too will be slight adjusting of the range service and main character features.


Isometric Player Movement

Currently the player movement seems as if the player is floating and can move as it wishes anywhere in the map. It has been decided that this movement, to integrate better with an isometric world, should be along the gridtiles in almost a 'one direction at a time' experience.

Player/Enemy Positional UGS Updates

Furthermore, in terms of player and enemy movements they aren't currently being updated within the UGS. To further the accuracy of the range service and provide value to other teams these must be moving in the UGS.

Further Range Service Integration

The range service needs to be furthered in terms of accuracy and usefulness for other teams. Accuracy and relevant bugs need to be fixed.

Relevant Testing

After the completion and integration of these relevant parts, bother user testing and JUnit testing will be completed to make sure parts of integration weren't overlooked and that all implemented aspects make sense.



List of sub-features you intend to have done and in Master by the end of the sprint.

Completion Deadline: Oct. 18

Extras (optional)

