UQdeco2800 / 2022-studio-1

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Overall Map Obstacles Design and Implementation #321

Open alexyun0429 opened 1 year ago

alexyun0429 commented 1 year ago


Throughout sprint 4, the team will conduct multiple user testing, redesign, modify, create and implement obstacles (infrastructure). These include all the turrets, walls and natural components. Also, the team will collaborate much with team 13 to solve the main concern which is the infrastructure. Moreover, there will be add-ons to natural components as well.

SubFeature/component (optional)



List of sub-features you intend to have done and in Master by the end of the sprint.

Completion Deadline: Oct. 17



mackenziekerr1 commented 1 year ago

Hey Team 12! Just confirming that we have received your updated sprites & these have been added into the shop. Thanks! :)