Task: Tile classes development
Feature: Map Feature #3
This task is focusing on the tile development of the map, i.e. the class development of the tiles. This task will entail developing a new tile class which will implement the TerrainTile in the terrain file in the main file. This should entail new tiles that are relevant to the game, relevant methods and data for it too. It could also be possible to have tiles that cause ‘damage’ to entities as well.
Example (optional)
tile a tile is the representation of the game and what is at that coordinate on the map. The idea is that all tiles are inherited from an abstract class in which there is information such as name, water height (i.e. a % of how high the water is covering this block)
tile relationship a tile relationship is the relationship it may have with other tiles, i.e. if a rock is mined then it may become 3 crystals afterwards which can be used in entity creation / crafting.
There are no specific dependencies, however, for entities which are not in the scope of this task (i.e., friendly units) will have a default tile which can be expected to be implemented with this code later on.
List of steps that need to be completed for this task.
[ Monday Week 4] Class theory development (i.e., what tiles we need and their relationship to other tiles.
[ Wednesday Week 4 ] Implementation of rudimentary tile classes
[ Monday Week 5 ] Integration with other map feature tasks
[ Wednesday Week 5 ] Step 4 Finalised code
Completion Deadline: Aug. 29 (when this sprint is due in the ECP)
Task: Tile classes development Feature: Map Feature #3
This task is focusing on the tile development of the map, i.e. the class development of the tiles. This task will entail developing a new tile class which will implement the TerrainTile in the terrain file in the main file. This should entail new tiles that are relevant to the game, relevant methods and data for it too. It could also be possible to have tiles that cause ‘damage’ to entities as well.
Example (optional)
There are no specific dependencies, however, for entities which are not in the scope of this task (i.e., friendly units) will have a default tile which can be expected to be implemented with this code later on.
List of steps that need to be completed for this task.
Completion Deadline: Aug. 29 (when this sprint is due in the ECP)
-Feature ticket in which this related too #3 https://github.com/UQdeco2800/2022-studio-3/issues/3