URK96 / ResinTimer

Genshin Impact Resin Timer
MIT License
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What permissions or settings does the app need to receive notifications reliably? #21

Closed dspjm closed 2 years ago

dspjm commented 2 years ago

It seems that sometimes the notification of resins are not delivered, do I need to set any permissions or settings to receive notification reliably?

URK96 commented 2 years ago

Thanks to report issue. Notification is delivered on test. So i need to know your environment to solve this. Can you comment your OS environment (Android, iOS, Windows)?

dspjm commented 2 years ago

Thanks to report issue. Notification is delivered on test. So i need to know your environment to solve this. Can you comment your OS environment (Android, iOS, Windows)?

I am using it on Android 11.

URK96 commented 2 years ago

Ok, i see. I think that notification issue is appeared by Android policy. I will check that part of code. If possible, i will fix it.

Also if possible, try to disable and enable notification setting in application.

dspjm commented 2 years ago

Ok, i see. I think that notification issue is appeared by Android policy. I will check that part of code. If possible, i will fix it.

Also if possible, try to disable and enable notification setting in application.

Thanks, it's probably not a bug. Maybe just killed or inhibited by android in the background.

URK96 commented 2 years ago

Close this issue.

If other issue appear, create another issue on this repo.