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Investigate Architecture For Load Balancing Loader/Rule Runner Modules #1244

Open originalname51 opened 5 years ago

originalname51 commented 5 years ago

Parser/Loader has a path forward to be broken off into several parsers and loaders and turned into mircroservices that can potentially share the same database.

This is a research ticket for the master controller of the rule runner/ loader modules. Primarily it should have various templates or strategies to manage many microservices that can be scaled automatically.

This ticket requirement is a loose idea of tools and strategies (patterns) to use for building out this service.

Ideas include Eureka + Ribbon, and client side load balancing vs server side load balancing.

originalname51 commented 5 years ago

Client side load balancing is being discussed due to a requirement to have knowledge of the "prime flight" to prevent deadlocking.

Netflix Eureka, Consul, Zookeeper, Service Mesh, and LinkerD are all libraries to look into.