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Apportionment Processes for CAMPD #3952

Open MaeganWood64 opened 1 year ago

MaeganWood64 commented 1 year ago


The apportionment process produces the unit-level emissions data used in CAMPD by doing the following:

The ECMPS 2.0 process should generally follow the ECMPS 1.0 process, and utilize the 1.0 details.

The ECMPS 1.0 apporitonment process involves the following apportionment tables in CAMDECMPS (CAMDBSP) and CAMDDMW (CAMDPUB):


CAMDDMW also includes the following apportionment tables:

The following Reported Emission tables in CAMDECMPS contain the source data for apportionment:

The ECMPS 1.0 version involves the following steps:

  1. Pull the Reported Emissions data from HRLY_OP_DATA, DERIVED_HRLY_VALUE and DAILY_EMISSION tables, flattent the data into hourly rows, and store the row in MONITOR_HOUR.
  2. For monitoring plans (MP) that contain a single unit, populate the UNIT_HOUR row for the unit and hour from the MONITOR_HOUR row for the unit and hour.
  3. For other MP, populate the UNIT_HOUR for the unit nad hour based on the MONITOR_HOUR rows for all locations in the MP, and the connections between the locations in the MP.
  4. Sum MONITOR_HOUR rows to produce MONITOR_DAY rows, MONITOR_DAY to produce MONITOR_MONTH rows, and MONITOR_MONTH to produce MONITOR_QUARTER rows.
  5. Sum UNIT_HOUR rows to produce UNIT_DAY rows, UNIT_DAY to produce UNIT_MONTH rows, and UNIT_MONTH to produce UNIT_QUARTER rows.
  6. Populate CAMDDMW tables from their matching CAMDECMPS tables.
  7. Create or replace ANNUAL_MONITOR_DATA and ANNUAL_UNIT_DATA rows by summing QUARTER_MONITOR_DATA and QUARTER_UNIT_DATA rows respectively.
  8. Create or replace OZONE_MONITOR_DATA and OZONE_UNIT_DATA rows by summing MONTH_MONITOR_DATA and MONTH_UNIT_DATA rows respectively.

Complex Apportionment:

Most apportionment occurs automatically based on the MP configuration. However, complex configurations and some changing configurations require formulas to determine how to apportion data. Those formulas are stored in the following tables on both the ECMPS 1.0 Host (CAMDECMPSAUX) and Client (ECMPS).

Key ECMPS 1.0 Non-Table Objects

Note that all apportionment related ECMPS 1.0 database objects are in the "DmEm" schema.

Needed Decisions:

  1. Determine whether the Check Engine DM Emission process should utilize a set of DM tables to perform the re-calculation process, or will use the target CAMDDMW tables directly. Note that the NOXM
  2. Determine whether the CAMPD emissions, whether in CAMDECMPS, CAMDDMW, or both should be deleted when an emission report is resubmitted, or just when the CAMPD emissions are reproduced.
  3. Ensure that existing DM emissions are cleared for a submitted emission report, This could occur as part of the DM Emissions job.
### Tasks
MaeganWood64 commented 1 year ago