US-EPA-CAMD / easey-ui

Project Management repo for EPA Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) Business Suite of applications
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Bug: ERG requested changes for the four (reported) emissions API endpoints #5693

Open JanellC opened 9 months ago

JanellC commented 9 months ago


Erg reported issues with the following endpoints: \

See below for details

Communication from ERG

Each of the four (reported) emissions API endpoints still have issues.

Issue 1

Does not return the HRLY_OP_DATA.HOUR_ID as “id”.

The results include duplicate rows based on locationId, beginDate, and beginHour combinations. The format of the beginDate element is “YYYY/MM/DD HH24:mi:ss”. Based on the apportioned API, I believe the standard for a date without time is “YYYY-MM-DD”.

Issue 2

Seems to return location “1” or “2” for any ORIS code, not just ORIS code 3, and not limited to the date range.. i. The resulting volume of data might explain the issue with the Swagger page failing.

Issue 3

The results include duplicate rows based on id. orisCode=3&locationName=1%7C2&beginDate=2022-05-31&endDate=2022-07-01

Seems to return location “1” or “2” for any ORIS code, not just ORIS code 3. i. The resulting volume of data might explain the issue with the Swagger page failing.

Issue 4

The results include duplicate rows based on id.

Issue 5

The results include duplicate rows based on id. Based on SQL that Abu previously provided, I believe the duplicate data for each endpoint is a result of joins to MONITOR_PLAN_LOCATION. MONITOR_PLAN_LOCATION will have multiple rows for a MON_LOC_ID when the location has been part of multiple monitoring plans (MON_PLAN_ID).

Issue 6 The results include duplicate rows based on id.

JanellC commented 9 months ago

Issue 1 is resolved. Hourly operating endpoint is returning the elements below

{ "id":"L3FY866-2CCECD1B9B694B7F81F8C67F4D1D9757", "locationId":"2295", "reportPeriodId":113, "beginDate":"2021-01-05", "beginHour":7, "operatingTime":0, "hourLoad":null, "loadUnitsOfMeasureCode":null, "userId":"CRandle", "addDate":"2021/04/07 07:34:06", "updateDate":null }

djw4erg commented 9 months ago

Issue #1: Successfully tested.

djw4erg commented 9 months ago

Issue #2: Returns all units for Barry (ORIS 3) instead of just units 1 and 2, and apparently all units 1 and 2 at other facilities. The endpoint should only return units 1 and 2 for Barry.

Kyle, Abu and I discussed this issue and Kyle completed a correction, but needs to push that change. I will retest afterward.

djw4erg commented 9 months ago

Issue #2: Successfully tested.

djw4erg commented 9 months ago

Issue #3:|2&beginDate=2022-05-31&endDate=2022-07-01

djw4erg commented 9 months ago

Issue #4: Successfully tested. Issue #5: I believe this was a comment about all of the other duplicate issues, but was not an issue itself. Issue #6: Successfully tested.

JanellC commented 9 months ago

Issues have been tested and verified by ERG @djw4erg. Closing the ticket out

djw4erg commented 8 months ago

10/24/2023 Direct API Testing:

Issue 2:

  1. Requested stack or pipe locations are not returned in the data.

Issue 3:

  1. Requested stack or pipe locations are not returned in the data.
djw4erg commented 8 months ago

2023-10-24 Testing Results:

Note that for the third and forth bullets using the following to link to CAMD.UNIT or CAMDECMPS.STACK_PIPE might be useful. select fac.Oris_Code, fac.Facility_Name, coalesce( unt.Unitid, stp.Stack_Name) as Location_Name, loc.Mon_Loc_Id from camdecmps.MONITOR_LOCATION loc left join camd.UNIT unt on unt.Unit_Id = loc.Unit_Id left join camdecmps.STACK_PIPE stp on stp.Stack_Pipe_Id = loc.Stack_Pipe_Id join camd.PLANT fac on fac.Fac_Id in ( unt.Fac_Id, stp.Fac_Id ) where fac.Oris_Code = 3 and coalesce( unt.Unitid, stp.Stack_Name) in ( '1', '2', 'CS0AAN' ) order by Oris_Code, Location_Name;

JanellC commented 8 months ago

@djw4erg Abu has started work on this. Based on priority discussion. Abu will not finish this and will continue to work on bugs for ECMPS. Below I have provided the PR for this ticket. FYI- @chrisgitsit @maheese

djw4erg commented 5 months ago

Corrected failure to include stacks and pipes in following API calls:

Pull Request fix/5693-Reported_Emissions-API-Not-Returning-Stack-Pipe

djw4erg commented 5 months ago

Moved to Ready for QA because pull request was merged.

djw4erg commented 5 months ago

Testing Information: The QA testing for this will occur in conjunction with programming the CBS consumer(s) of the API endpoints.