US-EPA-CAMD / easey-ui

Project Management repo for EPA Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) Business Suite of applications
MIT License
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UI: Update Evaluate/Submit Module Filtering #5729

Open JanellC opened 11 months ago

JanellC commented 11 months ago

User Story

As a ECMPS user I want the evaluate/submit module to display all of my unsubmitted workspace data by default so that I can see all of my data at once and apply filters to refine my search

Acceptance Criteria

Given that a user has navigated to the evaluate or submit module When the functionality is displayed Then all of the unsubmitted , granted, or required workspace data is displayed

Given that a user has selected filter criteria When the filter criteria is applied Then the data displayed is narrowed based on applied criteria

Given that a user has updated filter criteria When the functionality is displayed Then the data displayed is narrowed based on applied criteria

Given that a user has removed all filter criteria When the functionality is displayed Then the all of the unsubmitted workspace data is displayed


During refinement on 10/3 Chris W discussed wanting to update the filtering of the evaluate and submit module

JanellC commented 11 months ago

During 10/18 discussed that this ticket is a low priority and should not be worked on until EPA gives the ok