US-EPA-CAMD / easey-ui

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HOURGEN-8-B errors incorrectly firing on emissions evaluations #5895

Open JanellC opened 10 months ago

JanellC commented 10 months ago

There are multiple issues related to the HOURGEN-8-B error.

Steps to Reproduce

1.Need to use an active location from camdecmpswks.monitor_plan where needs_eval_flg = Y and submission_availability_cd = UPDATED

  1. Once a good candidate is identified, check out the location and go to the Emissions workspace
  2. Import from Historical 2023 Q3
  3. Go to Evaluation module and only evaluate the emissions data
  4. The HOURGEN-8-B error is produced

This is the check spec:

Else If the NeedsEvalFlag and MustSubmitFlag of the monitoring plan record for this configuration are equal to "Y", return result B.

Also, once a user creates this issue and reverts to official, camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.needs_eval_flg is set to N. Trying to repeat the steps won't work and you would need to start at step 1 with a different example to produce the issue again.

It doesn't make sense that this flag would then be set to N if the MP was not evaluated.

Update from 5/3 meeting:

In 1.0, when a monitoring plan is retrieved, UPDATED_STATUS_FLG is set to N and NEEDS_EVAL_FLG is set to Y. SUBMISSION_AVAILABILITY_CD is not affected.

When copying/reverting from official to workspace, set UPDATED_STATUS_FLG to N and NEEDS_EVAL_FLG to Y in camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.

JanellC commented 10 months ago

This ticket will be addressed with Force MP / QA submission #5886. This will need to be retested after #5886 is completed

esaber76 commented 6 months ago

This is still an issue. Updated the steps to reproduce the issue. This needs to be reassigned to a developer.

esaber76 commented 3 months ago

Confirmed with the following steps:

  1. Find example with query (select * from camdecmpswks.monitor_plan where updated_status_flg = 'Y' and needs_eval_flg = 'Y' and submission_availability_cd = 'UPDATED' and update_date is not null order by update_date desc; I looked for a userid that was a non-test account and had an update_date from 10/2023 or earlier)
  2. Check out location
  3. Import Q3 2023 emissions from historical
  4. Evaluate emissions and confirm HOURGEN-8-B error is returned in error (may need to download report or view attachment in email to see error until #6252 is completed)
  5. Revert to official (camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = N, needs_eval_flg = Y, submission_availability_cd = UPDATED; this was the short-term fix for this ticket so that a revert mimics a retrieve in ECMPS 1.0; #6264 will handle this issue long-term and prior to the initial release)
  6. Import Q3 2023 emissions from historical again
  7. Evaluate emissions and confirm HOURGEN-8-B error is NOT returned
  8. Revert to official
  9. Export/import MP (camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = Y, needs_eval_flg = Y, submission_availability_cd = GRANTED)
  10. Revert to official
  11. Make a change to the MP in the UI (camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = Y, needs_eval_flg = Y, submission_availability_cd = GRANTED)
  12. Evaluate MP (camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = Y, needs_eval_flg = N, submission_availability_cd = GRANTED after evaluation completes)
  13. Submit MP (camdecmps.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = Y, needs_eval_flg = N, submission_availability_cd = UPDATED; this is confirming official table once submission completes)
ntknguyen commented 2 months ago

@esaber76 - I followed

Confirmed with the following steps:

  1. Find example with query (select * from camdecmpswks.monitor_plan where updated_status_flg = 'Y' and needs_eval_flg = 'Y' and submission_availability_cd = 'UPDATED' and update_date is not null order by update_date desc; I looked for a userid that was a non-test account and had an update_date from 10/2023 or earlier)
  2. Check out location
  3. Import Q3 2023 emissions from historical
  4. Evaluate emissions and confirm HOURGEN-8-B error is returned in error (may need to download report or view attachment in email to see error until Data missing in printout/evaluation reports when viewing in browser #6252 is completed)
  5. Revert to official (camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = N, needs_eval_flg = Y, submission_availability_cd = UPDATED; this was the short-term fix for this ticket so that a revert mimics a retrieve in ECMPS 1.0; Migration activities: Update CAMDECMPSWKS.MONITOR_PLAN flags  #6264 will handle this issue long-term and prior to the initial release)
  6. Import Q3 2023 emissions from historical again
  7. Evaluate emissions and confirm HOURGEN-8-B error is NOT returned
  8. Revert to official
  9. Export/import MP (camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = Y, needs_eval_flg = Y, submission_availability_cd = GRANTED)
  10. Revert to official
  11. Make a change to the MP in the UI (camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = Y, needs_eval_flg = Y, submission_availability_cd = GRANTED)
  12. Evaluate MP (camdecmpswks.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = Y, needs_eval_flg = N, submission_availability_cd = GRANTED after evaluation completes)
  13. Submit MP (camdecmps.monitor_plan.updated_status_flg = Y, needs_eval_flg = N, submission_availability_cd = UPDATED; this is confirming official table once submission completes)

@esaber76 - I was able to follow step1 to step 8. When in step 9, after imported from the exported MP file, receiving DEFAULT-52A errors. I edited the exported file and got a successfully import. However, received CRIT1 after running the MP evaluation.

Steps to reproduce the errors encountered in step 9:

  1. Export Greene County CT10
  2. Import the exported file in step 1
  3. DEFAULT-52A errors
  4. Modified the monitoringDefault record on null Fuel Code and Default Source Code
  5. Imported the modified MP json
  6. Run the evaluation

MP Export - Greene County, undefined (6-25-2024).json

Image Image

esaber76 commented 2 months ago

@ntknguyen - this is the same issue that was reported for APS Saguaro. It is not related to this ticket. #5942 and #6309 will handle this in the future. As long as you got a file to export/import and confirmed the database fields were updated you can move on from step 9.

ntknguyen commented 2 months ago

@ntknguyen - this is the same issue that was reported for APS Saguaro. It is not related to this ticket. #5942 and #6309 will handle this in the future. As long as you got a file to export/import and confirmed the database fields were updated you can move on from step 9.

@esaber76 -

@ntknguyen - this is the same issue that was reported for APS Saguaro. It is not related to this ticket. #5942 and #6309 will handle this in the future. As long as you got a file to export/import and confirmed the database fields were updated you can move on from step 9.

@esaber76 - I can confirm the HOURGEN-8-B errors is fixed as described from step 1 to step 7. However I cannot confirm the database fields were updated in step 12 and 13 since the evaluation still contains CRIT1 errors. If step 12 and step 13 are needed to conclude the fix then I can't verify it.

esaber76 commented 2 months ago

@ntknguyen - if you want to use the same monitoring plan (ORIS 10, CT10), you should be able to revert to official, make a simple change using the interface that will not generate critical errors (systems - components: update a manufacturer or serial number for a component) and continue on.

ntknguyen commented 2 months ago

@ntknguyen - if you want to use the same monitoring plan (ORIS 10, CT10), you should be able to revert to official, make a simple change using the interface that will not generate critical errors (systems - components: update a manufacturer or serial number for a component) and continue on.

@esaber76 - Per today's conversation, I verify this issue is fixed.