US-EPA-CAMD / easey-ui

Project Management repo for EPA Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) Business Suite of applications
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Mid-Season Ozone Season (OS) Start (non-GNP/MATS checks from 1.0) #6122

Closed annalbrecht closed 3 months ago

annalbrecht commented 6 months ago


Some checks not associated with GNP & MATS have been added/updated in 1.0 but have not yet been incorporated into 2.0. These need to be moved over.

CAPD (Charlie Frushour) indicated in the June 13, 2024 ECMPS Support Meeting that we should delay this change indefinitely.

Affected ECMPS 1.0 Tickets



EC-3923 was implemented in the 2023 Q2 ECMPS 1.0 Release. Its purpose was to allow the C-SAPR NOx OS Group 3 (CSOSG3) Program to begin in the middle of the 2023 ozone season (OS) for Minnesota, Nevada and Utah. These three states were not previously affected by OS programs, and unlike other OS programs or states, CSOSG3 would have began in the middle of the OS for these three states. To allow for this, ECMPS 1.0, which was built on the understanding that OS programs would not start in the middle of OS, was changed to allow mid-season starts.

Based on a July 7th, 2023 email from Chris Worley, Minnesota and Nevada received stay orders for CSOSG3 that results in sources for both states not needing to report for 2023.

Acceptance Tests

Acceptance Test Comment

Proposed Resolution

Because mid-season OS starts are not currently needed, ERG proposes that CAPD suspends or delays the implementation of the EC-3923 changes in ECMPS 2.0.

Because EC-3955 has already been implemented in ECMPS 2.0, suspending or delaying EC-3923 would result in either closing this ticket or moving it 2025 or beyond.

CAPD (Charlie Frushour) indicated in the June 13, 2024 ECMPS Support Meeting that we should delay this change indefinitely.

ECMPS 1.0 Changes Not In ECMPS 2.0

2023 Q2 (EC-3923: CSOSG3)

ECMPS 1.0 Already Included Changes

2023 Q3 (EC-3955: CSOSG2E)

djw4erg commented 3 months ago


Rows to Delete

Primary Key Check Code Check Name
10439 HOURAGG-12 April_NOX_Mass_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2131 2832
10460 HOURAGG-14 April_HI_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2133 2829
10470 HOURAGG-15 April_Op_Time_Accumulator_Array REQ 2134 2834
10489 HOURAGG-16 April_Op_Hours_Accumulator_Array REQ 2135 2835

Rows with Changes

Primary Key Check Code Check Name
2336 EMGEN-1 Initialize Emissions Generation for Location
2340 EMGEN-5 Generate NOx Mass YTD and OS Values
2342 EMGEN-7 GenerateTotal Heat Input YTD and OS Values
2343 EMGEN-8 Generate Operating Time YTD and OS Values
2344 EMGEN-9 Generate Operating Hours YTD and OS Values
2131 HOURAGG-12 Compare NOx Mass YTD and OS Values
2133 HOURAGG-14 Compare Total Heat Input YTD and OS Values
2134 HOURAGG-15 Compare Operating Time YTD and OS Values
2135 HOURAGG-16 Compare Operating Hours YTD and OS Values
1732 HOURAPP-3 Calculate Apportioned or Summed Heat Input Rate
2029 HOURAPP-4 Calculate NOx Mass Rate from Apportioned or Summed Heat Input Rate
821 HOURCV-7 Calculate Heat Input
814 HOURCV-16 Calculate NOx Mass Emissions
2140 HOURDHV-40 Determine Fuels Burned for LME Unit
2146 HOURDHV-44 Calculate NOX Mass for LME Unit
1702 HOURGEN-1 Initialize Accumulators, Dictionaries and Lists
1815 HOURGEN-2 Reporting Period Details
535 HOUROP-1 Validate Single Operating Data record for hour
2137 LME-42 Check LTFF Total Heat Input
djw4erg commented 3 months ago


Primary Key Check Code Parameter Name Usage Check Catalog Key Check Param Key
16652 EMGEN-1 Location_Program_Records REQ 2336 301
16653 EMGEN-1 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD OUT 2336 4747
16654 EMGEN-5 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD REQ 2340 4747
16655 EMGEN-7 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD REQ 2342 4747
16656 EMGEN-8 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD REQ 2343 4747
16657 EMGEN-9 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD REQ 2344 4747
16642 HOURAGG-12 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD REQ 2131 4747
16623 HOURAGG-12 OS_NOXM_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2131 4743
16647 HOURAGG-12 OS_NOXM_Calculated_Quarterly_Value OUT 2131 4748
16637 HOURAGG-12 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 2131 4746
16643 HOURAGG-14 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD REQ 2133 4747
16617 HOURAGG-14 OS_HIT_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2133 4742
16648 HOURAGG-14 OS_HIT_Calculated_Quarterly_Value OUT 2133 4749
16638 HOURAGG-14 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 2133 4746
16644 HOURAGG-15 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD REQ 2134 4747
16631 HOURAGG-15 OS_Op_Time_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2134 4745
16649 HOURAGG-15 OS_OPTIME_Calculated_Quarterly_Value OUT 2134 4750
16639 HOURAGG-15 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 2134 4746
16645 HOURAGG-16 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD REQ 2135 4747
16630 HOURAGG-16 OS_Op_Hours_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2135 4744
16650 HOURAGG-16 OS_OPHOURS_Calculated_Quarterly_Value OUT 2135 4751
16640 HOURAGG-16 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 2135 4746
16616 HOURAPP-3 OS_HIT_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 1732 4742
16618 HOURAPP-3 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 1732 4746
16624 HOURAPP-4 OS_NOXM_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2029 4743
16625 HOURAPP-4 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 2029 4746
16619 HOURCV-7 OS_HIT_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 821 4742
16620 HOURCV-7 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 821 4746
16626 HOURCV-16 OS_NOXM_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 814 4743
16627 HOURCV-16 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 814 4746
16621 HOURDHV-40 OS_HIT_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2140 4742
16622 HOURDHV-40 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 2140 4746
16628 HOURDHV-44 OS_NOXM_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2146 4743
16629 HOURDHV-44 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 2146 4746
16611 HOURGEN-1 OS_HIT_Calculated_Accumulator_Array OUT 1702 4742
16612 HOURGEN-1 OS_NOXM_Calculated_Accumulator_Array OUT 1702 4743
16613 HOURGEN-1 OS_Op_Hours_Calculated_Accumulator_Array OUT 1702 4744
16614 HOURGEN-1 OS_Op_Time_Calculated_Accumulator_Array OUT 1702 4745
16636 HOURGEN-2 Current_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 1815 4630
16635 HOURGEN-2 Current_Reporting_Period_End_Date REQ 1815 4631
16641 HOURGEN-2 OS_Active_Program_Earliest_UMCBD OUT 1815 4747
16615 HOURGEN-2 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date OUT 1815 4746
16632 HOUROP-1 OS_Op_Hours_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 535 4744
16633 HOUROP-1 OS_Op_Time_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 535 4745
16634 HOUROP-1 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date REQ 535 4746
16659 LME-42 OS_HIT_Calculated_Accumulator_Array REQ 2137 4742
djw4erg commented 3 months ago


Note that the Source Table column is null for these rows.

Primary Key Name / Description / Display Name Data Type Param Type Object Type
4742 OS_HIT_Calculated_Accumulator_Array / Array containing ozone season HIT accumulated value for each location. / OS HIT Calculated Accumulator Array OBJECT AGGARRY decimal?[]
4749 OS_HIT_Calculated_Quarterly_Value / The recalculated ozone-season quarterly value for total heat input. / OS HIT Calculated Quarterly Value DECIMAL OUTPUT
4743 OS_NOXM_Calculated_Accumulator_Array / Array containing ozone season NOXM accumulated value for each location. / OS NOXM Calculated Accumulator Array OBJECT AGGARRY decimal?[]
4748 OS_NOXM_Calculated_Quarterly_Value / The recalculated ozone-season quarterly value for NOx Mass. / OS NOXM Calculated Quarterly Value DECIMAL OUTPUT
4744 OS_Op_Hours_Calculated_Accumulator_Array / Array containing ozone season Op Hours accumulated value for each location. / OS Op Hours Calculated Accumulator Array OBJECT AGGARRY int?[]
4745 OS_Op_Time_Calculated_Accumulator_Array / Array containing ozone season Op Time accumulated value for each location. / OS Op Time Calculated Accumulator Array OBJECT AGGARRY decimal?[]
4751 OS_OPHOURS_Calculated_Quarterly_Value / The recalculated ozone-season quarterly value for total operating hours. / OS OPHOURS Calculated Quarterly Value INTEGER OUTPUT
4750 OS_OPTIME_Calculated_Quarterly_Value / The recalculated ozone-season quarterly value for total operating time. / OS OPTIME Calculated Quarterly Value DECIMAL OUTPUT
4746 OS_Reporting_Period_Begin_Date / When OS Reporting Required is true, the date to use as the beginning of OS reporting in the emission report. Usually the first date of the quarter, but if the earliest UMCBD for an associated OS program is in the quarter, then it is that date. / OS Reporting Period Begin Date DATE OUTPUT
djw4erg commented 3 months ago

Acceptance Tests

Copied from EC-3923

djw4erg commented 3 months ago

Closing Ticket

CAPD (Charlie Frushour) indicated in the June 13, 2024 ECMPS Support Meeting that we should delay this change indefinitely.