Open djw4erg opened 6 months ago
The RTR was finalized on April 25, 2024, becomes effective July 8, 2024, and eliminates LEE, CPMS, and Stack testing as options. There are only 4 units that utilize CPMS. Until hearing otherwise, don’t program ECMPS for CPMS.
Sources have until July 6, 2027 to transition from CPMS to CEMS. In the meantime, sources can use the MATS Bulk file submission module to submit their CPMS data. There is a PM/CPMS MATS Supplemental Method code that sources can also use in the monitoring plan.
Charlie sent an email to Jason, Jeremy, and Michelle asking if CPMS should be removed from ECMPS 2.0 and the reporting instructions. Michelle is coordinating the removal of CPMS.
Verified on dev using ORIS 6137, 1 that CPMS Qualification child records are no longer viewable/ editable in workspace and official views when selecting the CPMS Qualification Type Code.
Unable to test viewing in official due to the following error received on submissions (Example submission set IDs - 92566973-b40b-49ca-aa32-dd76553ebc7b, 24570c2c-6b9b-49b3-b250-92a6c9bda788, bcdfb89e-42c7-4273-9a31-d812c6be304c, 415e00f5-2aa1-4302-9372-23997afa75a6).
{"response":{"message":"there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification","statusCode":500},"status":500,"message":"there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification","name":"EaseyException","metadata":{}}
Verified in test for ORIS 6137 Location 1, no child table information is displayed or editable in the workspace and global view.
The indication is that reporting CPMS will be removed from the MATS 2.0 implementation. CAPD confirmed this removal at the ECMPS Support Meeting on June 6, 2024.
CPMS systems required a specific monitor qualification that have already been implemented by adding an additional monitor qualification code and a new child table to store the CPMS qualification information
Removing the MONITOR QUALIFICATION_CPMS table would take the following steps:
6262: Remove Monitor Qualification CPMS from the Monitor Plan API. This will include the [easey-monitor-plan-api] repository.
6262: Remove the MONITOR_QUALIFICATION_CPMS table from the database. This will involve the [easey-db-scripts] repository.
Affected Files by Repository
This list might not be complete.
Remove from [US-EPA-CAMD/easey-ecmps-ui]
Remove from [US-EPA-CAMD/easey-monitor-plan-api]
Remove from [US-EPA-CAMD/easey-common]
Remove from database and related [EASEY-DB-SCRIPTS] scripts