US-EPA-CAMD / easey-ui

Project Management repo for EPA Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) Business Suite of applications
MIT License
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Create Custom Data Download Data Type Selection #883

Closed JorjaComer closed 3 years ago

JorjaComer commented 3 years ago

Definition of Ready

User Story

As a user I want to view custom data download options so that I can select my data type

Acceptance Criteria

Given I have navigated to the custom data download functionality When the functionality is displayed Then I have the option to select emissions, allowance, and compliance data

Given the user has selected a data type (emissions, allowance, or compliance)
When they select continue Then the filter criteria page is displayed (no content)

Given a user has accessed the CAMPD custom data download functionality When the application is displayed Then it is displayed with a header

Given a user has accessed the CAMPD custom data download functionality in a lower (non-prod) environment When the application is displayed Then the system will indicate this is a sandbox (non-prod) environment

Given the updated header is displayed When the menu option is chosen Then the menu bar is displayed And provides the option to close the menu

Given a user has accessed the EPA header menu When the menu is displayed Then the following links are displayed(includes sub topic):

Environmental Topics Laws & Regulations About EPA Given a user has selected a link from the header menu When a link is selected Then the system opens the link on the EPA website in a new tab

Given a user has chosen to search the EPA website via the header When the search is executed Then the system opens the link on the EPA website in a new tab to view the results

Given the updated footer is implemented When the footer is displayed Then it contains the EPA standard menu And provides the ability to close the menu

Given a user has accessed the EPA menu When the menu is displayed Then the system displays the following links:

Accessibility Privacy Privacy and Security Notice Given the menu is displayed When a link is selected Then the system opens the link on the EPA website in a new tab (see for links)


(User journeys, design mockups, architectural diagrams, business rules, data element definitions)


Set up Project:


Test Case: TC125 Tester: @davidkwartler

Definition of Done

david-cvp commented 3 years ago

Bug #1014 resolved

TC125 passed @tlageman-epa
