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lpjeosim-wetlandch4-daygrid-v2 further transformation #64

Closed SwordSaintLancelot closed 4 months ago

SwordSaintLancelot commented 5 months ago

Transformation and ingestion

PR for transforming the units. PR for creating the new STAC collection and ingesting the items.

SwordSaintLancelot commented 5 months ago

The script to fetch the data from S3 and upload the transformed data is written. The next step is to confirm the data transformation technique used by the POC.

SwordSaintLancelot commented 5 months ago

md5 sum was generated for the files received but was found to be different from the one provided by POC. Will follow up with the POC in this case.

Jeanne-le-Roux commented 4 months ago

Let's wrap up verifying the checksums post-release. I'm collecting a running list of updated related to documentation in this ticket: