Look at H1 with name of page. Page is not titled, Perhaps should be Case Details
~Correct the Back to case list link. Could we know where the user came from to go back? Could be coming from My Cases, Staff Assignment, or Case Search.~
Rename Basic Information to Case Details Overview?
Rename Audit History (Audit has baggage)
Display the division code somewhere
fix the space between labels and data.
Change History empty state alert (no changes made) should say "No changes have been made to this case."
In regards to the backlink. We looked into various ways to accomplish this and each one opened up a large can of worms causing disorienting effects for the users. It was decided in the end that it would be better to not have a backlink. Backlink removed and all associated code dealing with localstorage and/or broadcast channel removed.
Testing is not yet complete.
Definition of Done:
[x] Acceptance criteria met - The system meets all acceptance criteria
[x] Feature toggles created - Features that are deployed but not released have toggles
[ ] Design QA passed - All visual UI looks and works the way it’s supposed to
[ ] Usability validated - Team ensures the working code is easy to use
[x] Accessibility tests passed - System passes automated and manual accessibility tests and supports applicable devices
[x] Code refactored for clarity - Developers can understand the work simply by reviewing the code
[x] Dependency Rule followed - More important code doesn’t directly depend on less important code
[x] Development debt eliminated - UX and code aligns to the team’s latest understanding of the domain
[x] Source code merged - Code has been merged into the main branch
[x] 90% unit test coverage achieved - Automated test coverage tools indicate coverage of >= 90%
[x] Code reviewed - Code is reviewed by at least two other team members before being merged
Fixed non-critical Accessibility Issues
resolved the following issues:
In regards to the backlink. We looked into various ways to accomplish this and each one opened up a large can of worms causing disorienting effects for the users. It was decided in the end that it would be better to not have a backlink. Backlink removed and all associated code dealing with localstorage and/or broadcast channel removed.
Testing is not yet complete.
Definition of Done: