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[SCT-EAD]: Geospatial visualization of the EAD points #114

Open trietmnj opened 1 month ago

trietmnj commented 1 month ago

b) Visualize the EAD points. Four styling views should be available-

i. Aggregated damages view with styling for each point scaled according to the magnitude of the total EAD damage (sum of structure and contents damage). The current prototype should have a rudimentary implementation of this view. ii. Inundation hazard view. The styling for each point should scale according to the modeled value of inundation depth available from the furnished dataset. iii. Wave attack hazard view. If the point is subjected to wave action, its significant should be clearly visualized. The wave action and its significance for each EAD point can be identified from the furnished dataset. Wave height value less than 0 ft means no wave action, 0-3 ft means medium wave action and any higher indicates high wave action. iv. Erosion hazard view. Erosion can be identified if the point lies within the user-uploaded erosion polygon.

tyler-siskar commented 6 days ago

You have two options for filtering - (1) the H variables, as mentioned previously, which could work with the hazards-based view like ii and iii, and (2) modeled output attributes, which for EAD would be the C and S variables (and O and U for LL) which should be the best option for the modeled based view like i. The H filter is too unreliable for i because there might be data at all points.