The most important remaining task for the first draft is visual aids - what does the input data look like, and more importantly, what does the software look like/what are the important software components at each step in the workflow. The user's guide is the opportunity to get real nuanced into how the software should be used.
I am tracking four incomplete sections:
Flesh out boundary conditions and spatial organization
Make it crystal clear when you are asking for data that is only used for the user's reference or documentation, and when you are asking for data that is going to be used in the tool
Complete CHART SCT & The Coastal Conceptual Risk Framework - it looks like you plan on discussing exposure, vulnerability, and consequences, but I do not see any of these three.
There are no images of the tool. The user guide should be littered with screen shots demonstrating the software functionality. I have pointed out a couple of cases in my comments, but note there is a universal need for visuals in this document. "Infographics" is cited over and over and there are no infographics to be found!
Define risk signal and risk statement at the start. I don't know these terms to be found in agency policy or guidance, so you need to do a good job making sure readers know what you mean
Complete study scope task list and be sure to document how users use the tool to meet the objectives laid out in this section
The most important remaining task for the first draft is visual aids - what does the input data look like, and more importantly, what does the software look like/what are the important software components at each step in the workflow. The user's guide is the opportunity to get real nuanced into how the software should be used.
I am tracking four incomplete sections: