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[BUG REPORT]:Incorrect DSS records for the NBM QPF product's 3hourly and 6hourly components. #398

Open FHanbali opened 6 months ago

FHanbali commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug

The NBM-QPF product's DSS processed dataset is misrepresenting the 3hourly and 6hourly precipitation record's duration.

Expected behavior

The NBM QPF product should hav:

Actual behavior

Currently Cumulus is processing hourly DSS records for both the 3hourly and 6hourly portions of the NBM QPF.



Enovotny commented 6 months ago

it's mislabeling part E. The vales are correct and the time between grids is correct going from 1 hr -> 3hr -> 6 hour, but part E stays at 1 hour when it should adjust. This might be not be a quick fix based on standard code. Might have to download as 3 sperate products.

Enovotny commented 6 months ago

part E is filled in based on the temporal duration parameter in the products table in the database. for this product the temporal duration is set to 3600. only way to be able to pull this in dynamically would be to grab from metadata if it is available. need to check and see if available in meta data. if it is not. would need to divide into 3 products if possible.

FHanbali commented 1 month ago

@Enovotny need to warn users please to not use this product till this issue is addressed or somehow disable it or temporarily remove it from the catalog.

adamscarberry commented 1 month ago

NBM QPF PRECIP 1hr has been temporarily disabled and should not be returned by API as available product.

I manually ran:

update cumulus.product set deleted = true where id = '5317d1c4-c6db-40c2-b527-72f7603be8a0'

If the CAVI is caching products, it could still be available for users to select from and may still allow for download...I'm not certain.