USACE / cumulus

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[PRODUCT]: Additional Florida Extents map #411

Closed katfeingold closed 2 weeks ago

katfeingold commented 2 months ago

Product Source (URL Preferred)

Extent Addition for the state of Florida - SAJ would like this added as an option for extents in Cumulus

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adamscarberry commented 1 month ago

Hey @katfeingold, I wanted to give you an assist on this watershed add.

Here's the sql that you will need to add as a new migration:

--(xmin ymax, xmax ymax, xmax ymin, xmin ymin, xmin ymax)

-- notes
Buffered extends from qgis

xmin = 989539.3071116814
xmax = 1671778.6007457851
ymax = 978696.9156769654
ymin = 385612.5100058009

After rounding by hand

xmin = 989500
xmax = 1671800
ymax = 978700
ymin = 340000


-- add new watershed
INSERT INTO watershed (id, slug, "name", geometry, office_id, output_srid) VALUES
     ('bfbd5b34-ff07-41d4-87cf-d67c80f98be1','florida','Florida',ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((989500 978700, 1671800 978700, 1671800 340000, 989500 340000, 989500 978700))',5070),'4142c26c-0407-41ad-b660-8657ddb2be69', 5070);

This should provide the following coverage:


@Enovotny should be able to help with any further technical details.

adamscarberry commented 1 month ago