USACE / groundwork

React Components for USACE Applications
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Hooks / components for data from other agencies #50

Open willbreitkreutz opened 2 months ago

willbreitkreutz commented 2 months ago

@adamscarberry @jbkolze I think it makes sense for us to build hooks/components for this kind of data, if we don't do it so others follow our lead, then they will just do it themselves in haphazard ways. This comes with a couple considerations though:

  1. We need to come up with some disclaimer text that can be used by a consumer of the data/component.
  2. We could add a component that is an orange <TiInfo /> or other icon that pops up the disclaimer when clicked.
  3. We require that when using the hook/display component you must use the disclaimer text or disclaimer component.
  4. I wouldn't try and programmatically enforce this, but the note in the docs should say that we reserve the right to break their sites if they don't follow our usage guidelines.

Originally posted by @willbreitkreutz in

This issue to track a path forward on this conversation.

jbkolze commented 2 months ago

Just thinking through documentation organization based on what you said, Will, this is what I'm envisioning:

willbreitkreutz commented 2 months ago

Yeah, I think we're on the same page:

  • Would this be included on each component/hook page, or would we have a single page for "Disclaimers"?

I'd probably leave this open ended, let the consuming app decide, but reserve the right to be the final judge of if they do a good enough job. Ultimately it's PAO or someone who has that final say, but I feel like since we own the means of production, there should be some perks. (he said to the crowd of pitchforks)

I like the disclaimer / info component idea.