USACE / instrumentation

Instrumentation project issue tracking and project planning
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Design Concept - Project-Specific Landing Page (Dashboard-Like UI) #85

Closed brettpalmberg closed 11 months ago

brettpalmberg commented 3 years ago

Tasks Remaining:

KevinJJackson commented 3 years ago

@brettpalmberg I think we should start the discussion off with a few questions:

  1. What do we want the user to see when the log into the site for the first time?
  2. What about users that have already been on the site and have done some customization?
  3. What is the main goal that users come to the site to achieve? a. Do different types of users have different goals, meaning multiple designs based on user type?

I think if we can answer these questions, it'll help greatly in designing the workflow for a new dashboard-like interface.

brettpalmberg commented 3 years ago

Completely agree @KevinJJackson . I will work on pulling this information together. cc @MegCQuinn

brettpalmberg commented 3 years ago

Re-assigning for @adamscarberry to lead requirements, design on the project-specific homepage.

cc @MegCQuinn

adamscarberry commented 3 years ago

@KevinJJackson Here are a few initial user stories/objectives:

Here is an initial design mockup: image

Would love your feedback or additional ideas for informative panels to include on the initial dashboard. cc @MegCQuinn Credit to @jeffsuperglide for review and chart ideas.

KevinJJackson commented 3 years ago

I think this is definitely a great starting point! Also, having the roles expected usage is very helpful information.

Did you have any thoughts on ways we can take this new design concept, which seems to be oriented around districts, and implement a new Home page as well? That might be worth a new issue to track work around but I like the direction this is heading so figured I'd ask about it here.

adamscarberry commented 3 years ago

@KevinJJackson Here is what I would call a first iteration on making the home page tailored to the user and providing quick access to tools for each project:


I thought we could continue to utilize the cards to at least browse and favorite the "My Project" list. Cards are not a necessity and could also be a table list.

I realized there are probably some mixed messages by using "My Project" tab and showing "All Projects" cards below. I wanted to retain a way to quickly favorite a new project (although I suppose a modal to select "favorites" would also work.

Alternatively, the tabs could be removed and a blank "My Projects" panel could prompt the user to add favorite projects to the list (if empty).

Metrics at the top of "My Project" would only be for favorited projects unless no favorite projects (aka "my projects") were selected.

KevinJJackson commented 3 years ago

So just thinking about how we'd integrate the new pages into the app, would this new landing page fully replace the current explorer page? or would we want to keep that accessible via some other navigation link?

I'd also assume we'd remove the Instrument Manager from the navigation as it seems like all of that functionality is getting merged into this view via the tabs.

adamscarberry commented 3 years ago

This is just my opinion and may be overruled, but I think the landing page for a project should be the dashboard. As it currently stands, the explorer doesn't provide any "heads up" information about a project. I'm curious about an additional tab for the "map view" / explorer. Having the tabs and header areas visible for the explorer view may be a bit odd. A bit of a crude rendering below (assume map tab is active):

I would agree with the removal of "Inventory Manager". I see the very top nav links as global to the MIDAS app and not related to the project. Again, just my opinion and may not be the final say.

KevinJJackson commented 3 years ago

I agree that the dashboard should be landing page for the project and moving the map to a tab should still work for it's intended use.

I'm fairly indifferent on the top navigation links but I do understand you POV where that should only house global links. And if we go that route, we may need to tinker with the Reporting tab as the pages under that are project specific currently.

jeffsuperglide commented 3 years ago

I looked at the updates with a dashboard as a landing page. Instrument Status looks good and I like there is a count and percentage. Used Nashville District Streamgages to add Instrument Groups, Collection Groups, and seem to work as expected. Explorer tab showing locations as what is seen before but toggle too quickly between tabs only shows North America centered without instruments. Uploader clears any file uploaded toggling off and then back onto Uploader tab. Notice that Tools icon goes away when not logged in but is it possible to just be greyed out?