USAID-OHA-SI / TeamTracking

Project Management Tracker for the SI Team
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Data pack - no sex disaggs in PLL #50

Open jrose202 opened 5 years ago

jrose202 commented 5 years ago

from South Africa team - but would apply to many others I assume

  1. The "Targeted PEPFAR TX_CURR Growth Rates (FY 19 to FY 20) table in the summary tab is missing centrally supported as an option.

  2. The COP planning letter versus the data pack roll up section in the summary tab asks for TX_CURR and TX_NEW asks for info from the letter by sex. This information is not included in the letter as the targets are broken down by <15 and 15+ only.

  3. Does SGAC have revised definitions of "Scale up Saturation", "Scale up Aggressive" and other PSNU prioritzation categories. The definitions that were shared by OGAC in the past do not pertain to the South Africa program as we did not reach Saturation by 2017 and the same is true for the Scale up Aggressive PSNUs. In addition, the changes in targets based on the COP 19 letter do not align with the previous definitions.