USAID-OHA-SI / glamr

SI Utilities
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Bug - drive path for export_drivefile #42

Closed baboyma closed 2 years ago

baboyma commented 3 years ago

export_drivefile seems to be appending dir name to the filename


dir_graphics %>%
    list.files(pattern = paste0("^FY21Q3 - .*_TX_ML_InterruptionInTreatment_\\d{8}.png$"),
               full.names = TRUE) %>%
    export_drivefile(filename = .,
                     to_drive = gdrive_tx_ml,
                     to_folder = "FY21Q3i",
                     name = basename(.),
                     type = "png") 
baboyma commented 2 years ago

export_drivefile() has been update to detect file meme type.