USC-ACTLab / crazyswarm

A Large Quadcopter Swarm
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Cannot control drone using OptiTrack mocap system #529

Closed sajisaka closed 2 years ago

sajisaka commented 2 years ago

Hello, everyone,

I try to control Crazyflie by a motion capture (OptiTrack + Motive + VRPN + ROS melodic). I make a frame to attach markers, and I tried a flight according to instruction of crazyswarm, but a drone does not seem to be controlled.

This is my result. (Lain on my back immediately without taking off)

I confirm the following dots 1) I set the Z-axis on the top in Motive 2) I confirm that a drone can take off by manual manipulation with marker frame 3) I confirm that the position of the drone is recognized on Rviz

Is there anything to be checked?

Regards, AJISAKA Top

sajisaka commented 2 years ago

I changed MoCap frame to official deck and try again, but there is still problem

whoenig commented 2 years ago

The video looks like a coordinate system mismatch. You should make sure that if you move the drone manually with your hand, that positive x is front (where the antenna is) and positive why is towards the left.

Are you indeed using VRPN rather than NatNet? Have you tried using optitrack or optitrack_closed_source instead?

sajisaka commented 2 years ago

Thank you whoenig

I checked coordinate and it looks like not bad this is coordinate check using lighthouse position system and it works perfectly. (I can control my crazyflie automatically) And this is same check using Mocap. It looks like same as lighthouse, but this time I couldn't control.

Are you indeed using VRPN rather than NatNet? Have you tried using optitrack or optitrack_closed_source instead? I tried to use Optitrack but it works something wrong (crazyswarm receives nothing, is there any tutorial?)


sajisaka commented 2 years ago

I found that "/cf1/pose" topic is incorrect even if "cf1" frame position is OK

Here is the result.

"/cf1/pose" is not same as "cf1" frame position (It looks like increase position and suddenly reset to 0)

How can I fix it?

whoenig commented 2 years ago

Good catch! This typically means that the broadcasts are not working properly. Did you update your Crazyradio firmware as described in the documentation? This is required even if you recently bought the radio.

NatNet vs VRPN: There is no tutorial besides the Crazyswarm documentation. You can search the issues and discussion for a few hints, though. Basically, you want to first try mocap_helper.launch or NatNetSDKCrossplatform for troubleshooting. Feel free to open a new discussion for any issues with that. NatNet is the preferred & tested mode. VRPN does not have all features and is rarely tested on our side.

sajisaka commented 2 years ago

Dear whoenig,

I updated my crazyradio to ver 99.55 but the situation become more worse :

cfclient doesn't recognize my crazyradio, and I cannot connect to my crazyflie via crazyradio.

"rosrun crazyflie_tools scan -v" reports there is a crazyradio ver 99.55 but "rosrun crazyflie_tools scan --address E7E7E7E701" reports nothing. (of course, I replug crazyradio after update firmware, and I set ID to E7E7E7E701 via USB)



I changed make option from "make CRPA=0" to "make CRPA=1" and "rosrun crazyflie_tools scan --address E7E7E7E701" reports my crazyflie, but cfclient still have a problem. Is that a specifications?

whoenig commented 2 years ago

I suggest flashing the prebuilt binary that we provide. The new radio firmware is fully compatible and simply adds one more feature that is needed for more efficient communication. Testing with cfclient is the right way for troubleshooting.