USC3DLAB / tamingDuck

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Ramping Bug (formerly ED Bug) #12

Closed semih-atakan closed 6 years ago

semih-atakan commented 6 years ago

Something goes bizarre after 2:00pm solves, and the objective values skyrocket.

semih-atakan commented 6 years ago

This seems to be a modeling bug, as the UC problems' objective values are extreme as well.

semih-atakan commented 6 years ago

It appears that the DA-UC generators can at most supply 17GWs and fall short of it due to renewables, and, on average, supplies 12-13GWs. This leads to unmet demand!

The total generation capacity is at around 40GWs. It seems like the fast-generators can cover a lot of demand.

semih-atakan commented 6 years ago

The issue is caused by the ramping constraints. First of, they need to be multiplied with ED_resolution. But this by itself is not enough to solve the issue. Relaxing the constraints eliminated load-shedding. I'll rewrite ED ramping constraints (perhaps with some relaxation variables) tomorrow.

semih-atakan commented 6 years ago

This issue was primarily caused by ramping down restrictions which could not be met by models that were solved multiple times. Seems to be resolved now.