USCCANA / netdiffuseR

netdiffuseR: Analysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on Networks
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ABM in the rdiffnet function #18

Open gvegayon opened 6 years ago

gvegayon commented 6 years ago

On behalf of Dario Meili

Dear George

I’m currently writing my master’s thesis in Economics about behavior diffusion in village networks. Looking for a way to do a network simulation I came across your R package and I think it serves my purpose, however, I have not found out how to make it work yet.

My situation is the following: I have an adjacency matrix or a village network Separately, I have (i) and attribute like beliefs, (ii) a weight matrix, and a behavior for each individual (let’s say they’re all non-adopters of this behavior in the beginning) I’d like to run a simulation where I’d pick the initial seed (or seeds), while susceptibility and infectiousness depend on the attribute and the weight matrix The attribute would be updated each period according to DeGroot learning, meaning that the attribute in period t+1 is a weighted average of individual i’s attribute and its alters’ attributes. In the end id like to see how the behavior diffuses across the network as well as how the attribute changes depending on the choice of initial seed(s). Do you think this would be possible with netdiffuseR and if yes, can you give me a hint of how to start off?

I really appreciate your help!