Open gvegayon opened 7 years ago
Also, allow for:
So the likelihood of adoption it is also based on these.
I would like to apply your R package to predict a sequence of nodes that adopt a certain behavior. So at each time point I need only 1 new adopter. Which adopter that is depends on the diffusion from the node that adopted the behavior at t-1 towards the nodes at t and is probabilistic.
Will you add an option in the adoption rule in which one could sample a single new adopter based on a certain probability distribution?
Kind regards, Hanne
That sounds like a nice option to add. In that case difussion would be a rather continuous process as described by a Poisson process. I believe that what you are describing may be available in the RSiena package, as the diffusion dynamics are described as a Poisson process.
I also recommend you to take a look at the EpiModel package from the Statnet group .
I will leave this comment here, but unfortunately, the development of the netdiffuseR package is dormant right now (need more funds to keep going).
Allow the model to add more randomness. Instead of setting the adoption rule to be deterministic, i.e. if exposure > threshold then adopt, it should be something like exposure > threshold + eps, where eps ~ F.