USCCANA / netdiffuseR

netdiffuseR: Analysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on Networks
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Importing own data #26

Closed Hanele closed 4 years ago

Hanele commented 4 years ago

I cannot seem to figure out how to load my own dataset into netdiffuseR. I have an edgelist with IDs and weights, nothing more, it is a .txt document. I managed to load it into the edgelist_to_adjmat function, but I don't understand the "fakesurvey" component of as_diffnet or edgelist_to_diffnet - what exactly should I put in?

Hanele commented 4 years ago

I solved it, so for any other future beginners with netdiffuseR: the function rdiffnet is needed, with seed.graph being your graph in a form of an adjacency matrix.