USCDataScience / sparkler

Spark-Crawler: Apache Nutch-like crawler that runs on Apache Spark.
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data from JS pages is not returned #174

Closed chaitra-rs closed 4 years ago

chaitra-rs commented 4 years ago

Trying to get data from a page which has JS scripts. Page shows data but output file doesn't.

Please describe our issue, along with:

How to reproduce it

Try injecting the page Data in Document Information will be missed out in part-00000 file

Environment and Version Information

Please indicate relevant versions, including, if relevant:

Followed the steps in the document (used docker) shows sparkler@5c224e262222:/$

thammegowda commented 4 years ago

@chaitra-rs thanks for reporting this. By default, the javascript execution is not enabled (why? JS execution is very very slow)

However, if you do need it, you need to enable a plugin.

how? locate sparkler-default.yamlinside the docker that is being used by sparkler, and uncomment one of those fetcher plugins capable of executing javascript.

I dont know which one is best since each has their +s and -s (suggest trial and error for your usecase.).