USCqserver / OpenQuantumBase.jl

Abstract types and math operations for OpenQuantumTools.jl.
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Reduce allocations and run times #78

Closed hmunozb closed 2 years ago

hmunozb commented 2 years ago

The use of a .EIGS member to diagonalize a dense Hamiltonian instead of an interface function is more bulky than necessary in time and allocations.

(Very rough) test of this with a 4 qubit system and a few different schedules suggest up to a ~25% improvement in the performance of the AME

[master 937a3236f1b9578bc223b21817dec2e7a8512ee2]
Warming up ...
  7.523293 seconds (19.89 M allocations: 1.046 GiB, 4.44% gc time, 99.45% compilation time)
  0.048794 seconds (134.67 k allocations: 22.224 MiB, 68.96% compilation time)
  0.056558 seconds (136.75 k allocations: 22.732 MiB, 73.10% compilation time)
Running ...3.162
  0.014409 seconds (69.40 k allocations: 16.847 MiB)
  0.014739 seconds (77.84 k allocations: 18.921 MiB)
  0.043694 seconds (79.92 k allocations: 19.429 MiB, 59.29% gc time)
Running ...316.230
  0.398527 seconds (2.71 M allocations: 659.962 MiB, 26.77% gc time)
  0.404000 seconds (2.79 M allocations: 679.788 MiB, 26.13% gc time)
  0.435406 seconds (2.82 M allocations: 686.737 MiB, 26.39% gc time)

[commit 30e75db8bb439475cfa2757a695291f0ecd7f76a]
Warming up ...
  8.250285 seconds (21.26 M allocations: 1.123 GiB, 4.19% gc time, 99.57% compilation time)
  0.035314 seconds (82.01 k allocations: 12.020 MiB, 77.95% compilation time)
  0.037924 seconds (82.71 k allocations: 12.263 MiB, 79.54% compilation time)
Running ...3.162
  0.006695 seconds (22.20 k allocations: 7.703 MiB)
  0.009089 seconds (25.18 k allocations: 8.717 MiB)
  0.012318 seconds (25.89 k allocations: 8.960 MiB)
Running ...316.230
  0.296447 seconds (864.41 k allocations: 301.489 MiB, 22.15% gc time)
  0.299073 seconds (899.39 k allocations: 312.833 MiB, 13.81% gc time)
  0.320938 seconds (908.75 k allocations: 316.072 MiB, 19.29% gc time)

This is simply with this replacement in diffeq_liouvillian.jl

function (Op::DiffEqLiouvillian{true,false})(du, u, p, t)
    s = p(t)
    #w, v = Op.H.EIGS(Op.H, s, Op.lvl)
    w, v = haml_eigs(Op.H, s, lvl=Op.lvl)
# ....

Some additional optimizations also look possible by making DiffEqLiouvillian and other other objects type-generic, e.g.

struct DiffEqLiouvillian{diagonalization,adiabatic_frame, Htype <: AbstractHamiltonian}
   # ...
neversakura commented 2 years ago

This new interface does not seem to allow users to easily define their own eigen decomposition routines for existing types like

For the dense Hamiltonian, the only downside is that we cannot define a fix set of eigen values/vectors if the Hamiltonian is constant. However, for the sparse Hamiltonian (or other types), we will need to provide a robust and reliable routine for the generic case. I am not sure if there exist such a library.

hmunozb commented 2 years ago

I think that the case where a custom eigen routine is needed (and not addressed by an existing Hamiltonian type) might be better addressed by a user-defined implementation of AbstractHamiltonian. It is potentially a little more boilerplate, but you could for example wrap a DenseHamiltonian into a new Hamiltonian type and override the haml_eigs interface. Just to illustrate,

#### My custom two-qubit Hamiltonian 

const sui=SMatrix{4,4,ComplexF64,16}((σx+σy)⊗σi)/sqrt(2.0)
const siu=SMatrix{4,4,ComplexF64,16}(σi⊗(σx+σy))/sqrt(2.0)
const szi=SMatrix{4,4,ComplexF64,16}(σz⊗σi)
const siz=SMatrix{4,4,ComplexF64,16}(σi⊗σz)
const szz=SMatrix{4,4,ComplexF64,16}(σz⊗σz)

struct My2QHamiltonian{S} <: AbstractHamiltonian{Float64}

function My2QHamiltonian(sched, s0, hx, hz)
    H = DenseHamiltonian(
        [ (s)-> hx*(s0-sched(s)), (s)-> 0.8*hx*(s0-sched(s)), 
            (s)-> 0.4*hz*sched(s),  (s)-> 0.6*hz*sched(s), 
            (s)-> -1.0*hz*sched(s) ],
        [ sui, siu, szi, siz, szz]; unit=:ħ
    return My2QHamiltonian(sched, s0, hx, hz, H)

Base.size(H::My2QHamiltonian) = (4, 4)
Base.size(H::My2QHamiltonian, dim::T) where {T <: Integer} = 4
OpenQuantumBase.get_cache(H::My2QHamiltonian) = H.H.u_cache

function (H::My2QHamiltonian)(s::Real)
    return Matrix(H.H(s))

function OpenQuantumBase.haml_eigs(H::My2QHamiltonian, t; lvl::Union{Int,Nothing}=nothing)
    w,v = eigen(Hermitian(H(t)))
    # or some other eigen decomposition
    return real(w), v

I imagine that removing this level of indirection for the eigendecomposition would also improve the performance of code with custom eigen routines as well as the default one.

neversakura commented 2 years ago

I agree. I think we can also define a new type of constant Hamiltonian if there is a need for it. Let me rewrite the tutorial and then merge the pull request.

hmunozb commented 2 years ago

Actually, if only the eigen routine needs to be overwritten with a user function while keeping all other behavior of Dense/SparseHamiltonian the same, then perhaps we can also include a wrapper class just for that. This would look something like this

struct CustomEigHamiltonian{T<:Number, Htype<:AbstractHamiltonian{T}} <: AbstractHamiltonian{T}
    "Wrapped Hamiltonian "
    "Custom eigen decomposition routine"

function CustomEigHamiltonian(H::Htype ;  EIGS = EIGEN_DEFAULT) where { T<:Number, Htype<:AbstractHamiltonian{T}}
    EIGS = EIGS(H.u_cache)
    CustomEigHamiltonian{T, Htype}(H, EIGS)

function haml_eigs(H::CustomEigHamiltonian, t; lvl::Union{Int,Nothing}=nothing)
    return H.EIGS(H, t, lvl)
# etc...
neversakura commented 2 years ago

Merged pull request. Several TODOs before closing the issue:

Open new issues for tutorials and documentations #81