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api data structures formal description anywhere ? #103

Closed ish-1313 closed 3 years ago

ish-1313 commented 3 years ago


Is there is anywhere formal description of api request/response structures ? there are some differences between samples and descriptions here and real life . few examples. in search request description "requireAllWords" not shown in search response .. in example "publicationDate": "4/1/2019" but in real life "publishedDate": "2019-12-06" ( i am talking about field name, not field value for sure ) you may check it with food "gtinUpc": "041303020937" this food used in samples for search get/post

tia ish

hphungnal commented 3 years ago

@ish-1313 Yes, the current documentation for the API is at: For "requireAllWords" - this is a deprecated functionality. It is still returning in real life to not break legacy users, but this is why the documentation does not list it. For "publishedDate" - you are correct that there is a mismatch between the documentation and implementation. We will fix this. Thank you!

ish-1313 commented 3 years ago

@ish-1313 Yes, the current documentation for the API is at: For "requireAllWords" - this is a deprecated functionality. It is still returning in real life to not break legacy users, but this is why the documentation does not list it. For "publishedDate" - you are correct that there is a mismatch between the documentation and implementation. We will fix this. Thank you!

thank you. requireallwords: as api documentation refer this link for a search operators and requireallwords mentioned there, may be it worth to mention inside api docs that this feature is depreciated. i found it reading this link. i found it in server response so i decided that it just missed from api docs and implement it in a brand new code :)

one additional question if you pls (or i can open new issue if need be ) from here : i was trying to find X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining in response headers but there is no one. you didn't use them ?