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How do i query USDA Wasde data? What are the parameters? #54

Open kfudacz opened 6 years ago

kfudacz commented 6 years ago

I am having difficulty finding a comprehensive API user guide similar to the US Census Int'l Trade DB. I do not see example API calls or a list of parameters on the USDA website. Does anyone know if USDA API calls are constructed similarly to the Census? for example:,E_COMMODITY,E_COMMODITY_SDESC,E_COMMODITY_LDESC,ALL_VAL_MO,QTY_1_MO&time=from+2017-01&E_COMMODITY=1001190000&E_COMMODITY=1001992015&E_COMMODITY=1001992055&E_COMMODITY=1005902020&E_COMMODITY=1005902030&E_COMMODITY=1005902035&E_COMMODITY=1005902045&E_COMMODITY=1005902070

jklupenger commented 5 years ago

Here's one I constructed just as an example:[Enter you Key Here] &commodity_desc=CORN&year__GE=2012&state_alpha=VA&format=JSON

You have to request a key via the USDA website:

And add the key they provide. I'm new to API's, so you may very well be way ahead of me here, but hopefully this helps if you haven't already gotten past this issue.