We should set ourselves up to hit the ground running as soon as we determine the first epic. So much of what is happening in sprint 2 feeds straight into those activities, and we should document what we can and start introducing the concepts to Jay and potentially spin up some drafts that we can start penciling in based on workshop learnings.
We'll know we're done when...
[X] We have a sandbox environment to drop notes and ideas.
[x] Pull up existing USFS/18F roadmaps and framing docs for organizational consistency, as feasible.
Background We should set ourselves up to hit the ground running as soon as we determine the first epic. So much of what is happening in sprint 2 feeds straight into those activities, and we should document what we can and start introducing the concepts to Jay and potentially spin up some drafts that we can start penciling in based on workshop learnings.
We'll know we're done when...