USDAForestService / NRM-Grants-Agreements

The focal point for an 18F/TTS collaboration with the USFS Natural Resource Manager (NRM)
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Sketch out release engineering processes #321

Open neilmb opened 3 years ago

neilmb commented 3 years ago


We need an understanding of what testing, development, staging, and production environments we will need and how changes will flow through those environments and get code-reviewed, approved by the product owner, and deployed in the production environment.

We'll know we're done when...


neilmb commented 2 years ago

This should include conversations with ISSO (Hieu Nguyen) about what approval process is going to be required for releasing into the real production environment.

beechnut commented 2 years ago

Noting here: we're momentarily using Claudia.js for Lambda deployment, for local & sandbox work. I expect that Claudia will be used only temporarily, to be superseded by Terraform, Ansible, or something equivalent once we stand that up as part of this work.

beechnut commented 2 years ago

Here's the Wiki page on the Release Engineering Process. I've added the QASP chart and the code quality metric, and added implementation details/status.

Very much a first draft, so please edit/comment, and there's a bit of work to do to get the pipeline fully implemented.

beechnut commented 2 years ago

First draft of dev -> staging -> prod is in Mural here. Lots to discuss, figure out, and edit.

beechnut commented 2 years ago

Moved to Waiting: waiting for project pivot work to finish before picking this up.