USDAForestService / NRM-Grants-Agreements

The focal point for an 18F/TTS collaboration with the USFS Natural Resource Manager (NRM)
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Transition to FS CI/CD setup #348

Open neilmb opened 2 years ago

neilmb commented 2 years ago


In #347, we documented what CI/CD tooling we would use. Once that research is done, we should convert our existing code to use that setup.

We'll know we're done when...


beechnut commented 2 years ago

Emailed Matt Reiss to kick off the work.

beechnut commented 2 years ago

Documented CI/CD process on the Wiki here.

AdamUSDA commented 2 years ago

Hey @beechnut @neilmb ,

The Documented CI/CD process looks good. Can we include diagram of what that process will look like.

Can we also have a list of the items in that process that we are asking Ops to setup for us.


beechnut commented 2 years ago

@AdamUSDA Here's a start on a flowchart: G&A CI/CD Flowchart. Let me know if you have questions or comments on that.

Does this Checks table work as the items we're looking for? (Between the Step, Pass Criteria, and Tools Used columns, this is very clear to me, but I realize it might not be clear to everyone. If not, what do you think I should add to make it extra clear?)


beechnut commented 2 years ago

Moved to Waiting: waiting for project pivot work to finish before picking this up.